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Nice to Meet You

We eat, sleep, and breathe trees. We are certified arborists dedicated to caring for and maintaining the urban forest. We have the knowledge to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your trees. We have the skills and training to work safely and meet your goals.   


We are Kansas City locals who do not pass up even the smallest opportunity. We are honest, hard-working, and creative individuals. We believe Kansas City has a great balance of rural, suburban, and urban living. We're proud of our town and appreciate the unique range of landscapes it has to offer.




We're Certified

International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) is the certification program by which all others are measured. "To qualify as a Certified Arborist, an experienced tree care professional must pass an extensive examination developed by an international panel of experts in the industry and academia." To maintain this voluntary certification, arborists are required to have certain number of continuing education units through staying up-to-date with seminars, publications, and other resources. 

Kansas Arborists Association (KAA) is a certification program offered through a local chapter of Kansas. Working closely with K-State University, the program provides lectures by professors and demonstrations by professionals from all over. To maintain this certification, arborists attend conferences, demonstrations, and volunteer their time.


Ask to see our credentials!



About Us


ISA Certified Arborist - MW5453A

Kansas Arborists Association Certified Arborist



We Eat, Sleep, and Breathe Trees!



- Tree and Shrub Pruning
- Tree Removal

- Plant Health Care
Stump Grinding
- Dynamic Cabling

- Tree and Shrub Planting

- Firewood and Mulch

- And More!


Let's Meet


Call or email for an estimate

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